​NaMo Namaha

Harbinger of change, who was sought,

Our country now shies away from  changes brought.
The media is paid heavily to antogonize you.
The political and religious fear what is true.

We asked for change, expecting none.
We cry like injured dogs when work gets done.
You alone must hold up a volatile fort.
India wants its ship to stay at the port.

Ones who’ve seen not Godhra, are its experts.
Who mock Swachch Barath, once wore Kadhi shirts.
They pray in temples, but ignore god’s response.
But you don’t intend India to fade with chance.

You are conscious and oneness personified.
Freedom fighters perhaps never truly died.
I ask you to persevere, don’t let India return
to our political plunderers, lest we forever burn.

I perceive you not as a political man.
Just as a being who does what he truly can.

By about.me/zardy