The Seven Deadly Sins 

When God created Man, he was made the ruler of earth.

Thus God made Man the master of air, water, fire and dirt.

And thus to His son the good lord was indeed kind.

But alas, it was a pity that Man could not master his mind.

The Devil, who was jealous of Man, knew his weakness well.

And thus he arouse the seven beauties from the darkest pits of hell.

Without a single flaw the seven evils were well designed.

And they were sent to earth to corrupt the minds of all mankind.

Even though Man was warned, his mind cared about it not.

Soon he was stopped on his path by a woman called Sloth.

She took him to a mansion where Avarice awaited him.

His mind was lost in thoughts of wealth as he sat amidst them.

Gluttony brought him to food and he ate like never before.

He dug into his food, gulped wine and hogged like a bore.

Vanity then took charge of him and he could never have enough of her.

Soon Lust caught hold of him and his conscience went blur.

Envy slowly crept to him and he longed for what he had not.

All the blessings the good Lord gave him, Man soon forgot.

And then walked up to him the seventh deadly sin;

Wrath took the better of him and burned him from deep within


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